Accommodation Companies
Accommodation bookings & transport
We mentioned in the Introduction page that the current Supply exceed Demand in an unhealthy ratio.
To ensure that our “Key Partners” can in future always earn enough income out of accommodation services, we need to develop technology specifically for that purpose.
There are different ways accommodation companies get access to clients, and we need to take everything into consideration when we develop a support plan to help a smaller group companies secure business. There are also numerous other decision makers (travel agents, staff at corporates arranging business accommodation) involved who all have an influence on business.

South Africa is a unique country, with political policies that is not found abroad. One example is our BEE platforms that the Government relies on. We even needed to take this into consideration to support our “Key Partners”
The Homecare team do its best to ensure that South Africa can recover its economy via tourism. We implement a business plan that other organizations or companies might not consider.
One thing for example is to provide services to the accommodation industry without asking outrageous booking fee commissions. The total booking fees that “Key Partners” (Second Group) will pay after we launched on successful bookings will be 4% and other companies will pay 5% .
The 4% will be maid up as follow:
We ask 1% Administration fee to collect and manage payments (which is also shared with caretakers of bedridden patients)
We ask 1% to provide private security services to all the guests of the companies, does not matter which platform was used to get the client into South Africa.
We ask 1% that goes into the “Bucket List Fund” that you will later read about. This fund is used for phone marketing and the fund also receive contributions from other businesses in South Africa. This fund will drive lots of business towards our “Key Partners”
We ask “Key Partners” 1% and other accommodation companies joining later 2% to be used in the Google Key Word marketing fund. The Google Key Word marketing fund will also receive funding out of other companies who are not accommodation companies. The growth of our economy via foreigners is important to all. (We will later explain in detail how this fund will be managed and how Social media platforms will be used to save unnecessary spending on Google Key Words.)
Our lower cost support structure is only possible due to our unique business plan; plus, software structures we use in other industries to fund operational and marketing costs.
The Homecare team will during the development perod use a small team that will manage direct bookings without asking any booking fees. This service is scheduled for 1 February 2020. (More detail later in the Partnership page.)
We understand those cost savings are important to everybody involved. People who book accommodation will also try to book into hotels, guest houses and lodges at the lowest possible rate. We create a platform where businesses can earn more and bookings and guests can pay less. If they can save up to 10% on accommodation for their holiday, they will choose to book their accommodation via platforms that enables them to do that.
We are going to explain Accommodation bookings & transport in different sections
How screen exposure on devices and content available to consumers will benefit our “Key Partners”
Interaction with Travel Agencies
How BEE problems can hopefully be addressed
Security Services to all the clients of accommodation companies.
Unique media strategies to secure business
It is also important to mention that the 1% administration fee will in most cases be covered by another cost savings we believe will be possible. The directors will be able to negotiate a better rate at banks for collecting credit card payments, based on the volume of the funds we will collect from guests. Smaller accommodation companies often pay a higher banking fee to get payments from credit card facilities.
The funds we collect on behalf of the accommodation companies will be directly paid into the company's bank account via EFT.